The War Comes to EVE Vanguard
Attention Vanguard,
The war is coming to EVE Vanguard from 28 November – 9 December, as warclone testing concludes and the Vanguard get ready for their first full-fledged operation: YC126.11.28 Groundbreak. As before, this deployment is open to all Omega clones, but will now offer greatly expanded access with new opportunities for Alphas as well as newcomers to the EVE Universe to jump into the fray. The time has come to choose your allegiance. Descend to planet surfaces and ascend to greatness, as you make your mark in New Eden. Your footsteps may be small, but your next shot will topple empires.

In YC126.11.28: Groundbreak you will dive into a brand new gameplay experience as you join live insurgencies that reach from ground to orbit, shaping the future of New Eden. With every deployment, you have the chance to align with a faction of your choice and dive into intense 9v9 battles, capturing artillery cannons to bombard enemy fleets from the surface. Each victory strengthens your side’s grip on planetary zones, driving opposition forces out of contested airspace and having real-time impact on the ongoing war in the cluster.

Joining the Vanguard, you will be invited to rise from the ashes of the past and find your place in the great war taking place among the stars, taking control of newly realized, revamped warclone technology. Generate corruption or suppression to aid your faction, explore new areas, get new gear, and much more.

Between insurgency deployments you can hone your power by raiding planetary zones for rare resources and blueprint parts. Face off against brutal NPC militia and rival warclones, scavenging for materials to craft tactical chipsets and blueprints. Use them to build your own custom arsenal and gain an edge for the next objective. You have the freedom to formulate your own goals, strategies, and fragile alliances, with myriad methods of achieving what you set out to accomplish. Decide where you wish to deploy, manufacture an unbeatable armory, and destroy your rivals.

The Deathless is making his presence known all over New Eden – on planets and in space. He has put out a call to the capsuleers of the cluster to join in the fight against Drifter forces, in part to aid Vanguard forces in planetside operations. The Deathless Circle has deployed special towers connected to the newly revealed Warden, which scan local networks for passkeys needed to break planetary defense systems, allowing Vanguard warclones to fight for key positions in insurgencies. These towers are under attack from Drifters, and the Deathless has asked capsuleers to help defend them. There is of course nothing stopping them from destroying the towers and stealing the passkeys for themselves, should they prefer to support suppression-aligned forces.

Those wishing to join this fight, on either side, can visit the sites of the skirmishes on 26 November and make their mark on the war. In addition, the capsuleers of New Eden will get daily Vanguard-themed rewards for taking flight in EVE Online between 28 November and 1 December, including up to four SKIN design components, 3,000 EverMarks, and 50,000 Skill Points.

Still in early development, EVE Vanguard is an MMOFPS set in the EVE Universe, and you can play a pivotal role in its development by participating in YC126.11.28 Groundbreak. Join the Discord server to stay up to date, and show your support by wishlisting EVE Vanguard on Steam. This is the largest update yet for the game, placing more power in your hands than ever before. Take your place as a deadly, independent mercenary, forge your allegiance, and contribute to the war effort. This is your fight, your glory.

Prepare. Deploy. Conquer.